Takoma Park/Silver Spring Library Map

The second floor (upper level) contains:
- Library entrance on the north wall
- Library service desk to the left as you enter the library
- Staff work spaces behind the service desk
- Group study rooms 240, 241, 242, and 243 beyond and to the right of the service desk as you enter the library
- Group study rooms 236, 237, and 238 beyond and to the left of the service desk as you enter the library
- Elevator on the northeast wall, behind the service desk, across from group study room 237
- Stairs on the far northwest wall of the space, far southeast wall of the space, and southwest wall of the space (across from group study room 236)
- Library instruction lab 227 on the northeast wall, adjacent to the elevator and group study room 237
- Offices 230, 231, and a staff break room in a hall past the computers on the southeast side of the space
- Restrooms in the hallway outside the library's northeast exit, between the instruction lab and elevator
Resources available on the second floor (upper level):
- Computer workstations on both the far northwest and far southeast sides of the space
- A scanner and printer near the computers on the far northwest side of the space
- Disability access equipment outside library instruction lab 227, across from group study room 237
- A One Button Studio inside group study room 243
- Collections adjacent to group study rooms 236 and 237 on the southeast side of the space

The first floor (lower level) contains:
- Elevator on the northeast wall down a short hallway
- Stairs on the far northwest wall of the space, far southeast wall of the space, and southwest wall of the space (across from offices 103 and 104)
- Reading Room 107 adjacent to the southeast stair
- Staff offices and workspaces 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, and 106 in the center of the space
- Emergency exit on the northwest wall of the space
- Emergency exit on the southeast wall of the space
Resources on the first floor (lower level):
- Printer on the northwest wall of the space
- Collections throughout the space