Research at MC Library
RaptorSearchnew window: Find almost everything at the library, including items on our shelves and e-resources like articles, e-books, and streaming videos.
A-Z List of Databasesnew window: Find a database by name, such as JSTOR.
Databases by Subjectnew window: Find information on a particular academic subject, such as history.
Journals by Titlenew window: Find journals, newspapers, and magazines, such as Nature.
Access Library E-Resources: Learn how to access e-resources from on or off campus.
Report a Problem: Let us know if you're having trouble accessing an e-resource.
Get Research Help: Visit, call, text, chat, or book an appointment with a librarian.
Course Research Guidesnew window: Learn how to do research for your course or assignment, such as BIOL 150.
Cite Sources: APA, MLA, CSE, Chicagonew window: Avoid plagiarism and properly cite your sources in APA, MLA, CSE, or Chicago style.
Subject Research Guidesnew window: Learn how to do research for an academic subject, such as accounting.
Learn Research Skills for Assignmentsnew window: Build your research-related skills, such as writing an annotated bibliography.
Tutorials and Quizzes for Students: Learn a variety of research skills with interactive tutorials and quizzes.