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Request an Item

The Montgomery College Library offers multiple ways to get an item that is not available at your local campus library or in our collections.

  • Intercampus Loan: Use this option to have an item from another MC Library location sent to the library location that is most convenient to you.
  • Interlibrary Loan: Use this option if we do not own an item but you'd like to request that we borrow that item for you from another institution.
  • Request a Purchase: Use this option if you'd like the library to purchase an item we do not own. If you are a faculty member and would like to request a purchase of an e-textbook for a course, please use our Adopt an E-Textbook page instead.

Intercampus Loan

An intercampus loan request sends an item from one MC Library location to another for your convenience. E.g., if you are a student at the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus and need a book that is only owned by the Germantown Campus library, you can submit an intercampus loan request to have that item sent to the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus library for you.

  1. Log in to RaptorSearchnew window.
  2. Search for an item and click on the one you would like to request.
  3. Under the heading "Find & Request," click on "Request."
  4. Select the location where you would like to pick up the item and add a comment if needed.
  5. Click "Send Request."

Your item may take up to four business days to arrive. 

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Items that the MC Library does not own can be borrowed through ILL. ILL requests are submitted through a system called ILLiad. First-time users will be prompted to register before making a request. Once you log in to ILLiad, you may:

  • place a request,
  • check the status of a request,
  • check a due date,
  • download a PDF of a borrowed article, or
  • request a renewal.
Submit an ILL Request or Check Your ILLiad Account


More Information

To receive help with your ILL request, contact or 240-567-7118.

Currently enrolled MC students, faculty, and staff may use the ILL service. Community users should make ILL request through their local public or school library.
It can take up to two weeks to receive a physical item (e.g., book, DVD) you request through ILL. Scanned articles typically take less time. Some materials may be harder to get and may take longer.
A maximum of ten requests per week per user will be processed. Additional requests may be processed as time and resources permit.

The library we borrowed your ILL item from will determine the loan period and renewal policy. Most loans are for three to four weeks.

The borrower can request a renewal through their ILLiad account before the item is due to ask for more time with the item.

All ILL items are subject to recall by the lending library. Borrowers are required to return recalled items immediately and are responsible for fines the lending library charges for lost or overdue items.

Overdue ILL items jeopardize the library's relationship with other libraries that lend us their materials. Borrowers who fail to return or renew books by the due date may have their accounts blocked. Failure to return ILL materials on time may result in the suspension of ILL services until those items are returned. In addition, any late fees from the library that lent the item will be passed on to the borrower.
ILL items are different from the MC Library's materials because they belong to other libraries. Please protect and promptly return ILL items when due. Borrowers are responsible for damaged or lost items. The replacement cost is determined by the library that lent the item.
Every effort is made to obtain materials at no cost, but in cases where the lending library may charge us a fee, you will be contacted before the item is borrowed. If you decline to pay the fee, we will contact ten libraries in an attempt to borrow the item for you without a fee. If those attempts are unsuccessful, we will notify you that we were unable to borrow the item. If fees apply, a personal check made out to the lending library is due at the time of pickup of the material.

Yes. The following items cannot be borrowed through ILL:

  • Titles held by Montgomery College Library, either in print or available electronically (check RaptorSearchnew window). This includes items that are checked out, missing from the shelf, or placed on reserve.
    • Note: while e-books may be requested through ILL, most libraries are unable to lend e-books in their entirety; if you know you only need a chapter of an e-book, please use the Book Chapter request form, as those are more often able to be filled electronically.
  • Entire issues of periodicals.
  • More than five articles from the same periodical.
  • Copies of periodical articles owned by any MC library location, unless the issue has been declared missing.
  • Most reference materials.
  • Current editions of textbooks used for classes.

Information for Lending Libraries

Representatives from lending libraries should visit our ILL Lending Guidelines page.

Request a Purchase

To request that an item be added to the MC Library's collection, fill out our Request a Purchase form. 

Request a Purchase