Connect with a Librarian
Each Montgomery College librarian has knowledge and expertise in the resources and research methods of several academic subjects. We can help MC students, faculty, staff, or community users with any step of the research cycle: developing a topic, finding sources, evaluating sources, and citing sources.
View our online service hoursnew window and the library's open hours and contact information.
If you know the librarian you'd like to work with, you can find their contact information below.
Arts and Humanities Librarians
Business and Social Sciences Librarians
Health Sciences, Communications, and Special Programs Librarians
STEM Librarians
Text a librarian.
Best for: quick, simple research questions or questions about access to library materials.
Example: Does the MC Library have the book To Kill a Mockingbird available as an e-book?
Text: 240-654-1728Chat with a librarian.
Best for: more detailed research questions that will require some discussion with a librarian.
Example: Can you help me find a peer-reviewed article on racial stereotypes in America?
Meet with a librarian for 30-45 minutes via Zoom or at the library.
Best for: very detailed research questions that will require a lot of discussion with a librarian.
Example: I need help developing a topic for my paper and then finding some supporting sources.
Arts and Humanities Librarians
If your class is in any of the following departments, an arts and humanities librarian can help you.
Including: English, history, music, all languages (e.g., German, Arabic), political science, and more. Click to see the full list.
All languages (e.g., Arabic, German)
Global Humanities
Graphic Design
Media Arts and Technologies
Media Production
Political Science
Women's and Gender Studies

Jenny Hatleberg
Rockville Campus
Macklin Tower (MT) 306B
Email | 240-567-1685 Book an Appointment with Jenny

Richelle Charles
Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
Resource Center (RC) 101C
Email | 240-567-5833 Book an Appointment with Richelle

Grace Gu
Germantown Campus
Humanities and Social Sciences Building (HS) 212C
Email | 240-567-4369 Book an Appointment with Grace

Niyati Pandya
Rockville Campus
Macklin Tower (MT) 114A
Email | 240-567-4130 Book an Appointment with Niyati
Business and Social Sciences Librarians
If your class is in any of the following departments, a business and social sciences librarian can help you.
Including: psychology, sociology, economics, business administration, accounting, and more. Click to see the full list.
Business Administration
Computer Applications
Criminal Justice
Hotel Management
Paralegal Studies

Metta Lash
Germantown Campus
Humanities and Social Sciences Building (HS) 212D
Email | 240-567-7857 Book an Appointment with Metta

Amanda Darby
Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
Resource Center (RC) 101B
Email | 240-567-6154 Book an Appointment with Amanda

Randy Hertzler
Rockville Campus
Macklin Tower (MT) 226
Email | 240-567-7129 Book an Appointment with Randy
Health Sciences, Communications, and Special Programs Librarians
If your class is in any of the following departments, a health sciences, communications, and special programs librarian can help you.
Including: communications, health, credit and non-credit WD&CE courses, student success, English language for academic purposes, and more. Click to see the full list.
Applied Geography
Architectural Technology
Automotive Technology
Behavioral Health
Building Trades Technology
Construction Management
Emergency Preparedness
English Language for Academic Purposes
Environmental Horticulture and Sustainable Agribusiness
Fire Science
Health Information Management
Health Sciences
Interior Design
WD&CE (credit and non-credit courses)
Physical Education
Physical Therapy Assistant
Radiologic Technology
Student Success
Surgical Technology

Vickie Drake
Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
Resource Center (RC) 101A
Email | 240-567-1559 Book an Appointment with Vickie

Shelly Jablonski
Rockville Campus
Macklin Tower (MT) 226
Email | 240-567-7174 Book an Appointment with Shelly

Julie Loy
Takoma Park/Silver Spring and Germantown Campuses
Resource Center (RC) 101D
Email | 240-567-6147 Book an Appointment with Julie

Elizabeth Schlackman
Germantown Campus
Humanities and Social Sciences Building (HS) 212B
Email | 240-567-1537 Book an Appointment with Elizabeth
STEM Librarians
If your class is in any of the following departments, a STEM librarian can help you.
Including: mathematics, biology, chemistry, computer science and technology, physics, and more. Click to see the full list.
Computer Science and Technology
Data Science
Electrical Engineering
Engineering Science
Network and Wireless Technology
Physical Science
Scientific Research

Chris Verdak
Rockville Campus
Macklin Tower (MT) 111
Email | 240-567-2137 Book an Appointment with Chris

Abi Sogunro
Germantown Campus
Humanities and Social Sciences Building (HS) 212A
Email | 240-567-7114 Book an Appointment with Abi

Amy Trost
Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
Resource Center (RC) 101E
Email | 240-567-6141 Book an Appointment with Amy