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Library Tutorials, Videos, and Quizzes for Faculty

Redesigned Tutorials and Quizzes
  • Redesigned MC Library tutorials and quizzes are available now for the fall 2024 semester.
  • As you build your courses, replace the old MC Library tutorial links and quiz files with our redesigned tutorials. The old links (which contain "") no longer function. Credo items are unaffected.
This page is intended for MC faculty and staff.
If you are a student, please visit our Tutorials and Quizzes for Students page.

Montgomery College Library provides online tutorials, videos, and quizzes to support College’s Information Literacy Competencies (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader.-Link opens in new window.)

Explore the menus below to learn more about the tutorials, videos, and quizzes available to you, and follow the instructions to provide access to your students and assess their learning.

Please note: these tutorials, videos, and quizzes come from two sources: items that begin with "MC Library" are created by MC librarians. Items that begin with "Credo" are part of a package from a third-party vendor. How you share the content depends on its source.

Instructions: Use Library Tutorials, Videos, and Quizzes

Step 1: Select Your Tutorials, Videos, and/or Quizzes

Explore the menus below to select the tutorials, videos, and/or quizzes you'd like to offer to your students.

Getting Started with Research

Help your students learn how to begin their research, create a research plan, and frame a problem.

Describes the basic steps needed to get organized for a research assignment: understanding the assignment, choosing a topic, developing a search strategy, and evaluating sources. (with embedded quiz).

Download file to embed tutorial and quiz in Blackboard:

(Created August 2024)

Have you ever wondered why your students struggle with their research assignments? Perhaps they do not know where to begin. This video shows why it is important to have a research plan and how to progress through different approaches, methodologies and resources so your students can tackle any type of research project.

Copy link to embed in Blackboard as a Web Link:
Download Creating a Research Plan Quiz for Blackboard (.zip)

(Last Updated: May 20, 2020) 

As faculty, you many have noticed that students’ papers sometimes lack a clear progression from their initial thesis question to a well-drawn conclusion. This video will help students understand why it is important to have a good research question.

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Download Framing a Problem Quiz for Blackboard (.zip)

(Last Updated: May 20, 2020) 

This video explains how to choose and narrow a topic into an appropriate research question, and how to explore your topic through strategic searching.

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This tutorial shows how background research is different from in-depth research and identifies some useful sources for conducting background research. It shows how background research can inform next steps in the research process. Includes ungraded checkpoint questions.

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This tutorial outlines the process of conducting research for persuasive writing. It discusses the elements of persuasive writing: Logos, Ethos, and Pathos. It also describes the collection of supporting evidence. Includes ungraded checkpoint questions.

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This tutorial will guide your students to create a better research focus for their assignments.

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Sources of Information

Help your students learn how to find and use primary sources and read scholarly materials.

Describes the characteristics of primary sources, and how to use them for research (with embedded quiz).

Download file to embed tutorial and quiz in Blackboard:

(Created August 2024)

Do your students feel intimidated by scholarly materials and research articles? Use this video to help students get familiar with articles that include study methodology, discussion, and results of empirical research. Students will learn tips for reading and analyzing scholarly materials, including a breakdown and explanation of the parts of a research article.

Copy link to embed in Blackboard as a Web Link:
Download Read Scholarly Materials Quiz for Blackboard (.zip)

(Last Updated: August 2, 2019) 

This tutorial explains the differences between types of sources: tertiary sources like encyclopedias, primary sources like letters, and secondary sources such as articles. The tutorial includes videos and explanation texts that can help multimodal learners understand these sources and when to use each.

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Searching for Information

Help your students learn to use RaptorSearch, choose and use databases and keywords, develop search techniques, and refine search results.

Provides an overview of RaptorSearch, how to use it to understand different information sources, and search for books, journal articles, and newspaper articles (with embedded quiz).

Download file to embed tutorial and quiz in Blackboard:

(Created August 2024)

Use this set of two videos (The Searching Mindset and Exploration Strategies) to introduce students to the mindset of searching as exploration. Students will be able to distinguish between targeted and exploratory search, plus the most effective approaches to each.

Copy link to embed in Blackboard as a Web Link:
Download Searching as Exploration Quiz for Blackboard (.zip)

(Last Updated: August 1, 2019) 

Students can use this video to receive guidance on how to select the best database(s) for their information need and assignment requirements.

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This tutorial will walk students through the process of selecting, refining, and expanding their collection of search keywords in order to locate the most relevant information to their research topic.

Copy link to embed in Blackboard as a Web Link: 

Download Choosing & Using Keywords Quiz for Blackboard (.zip)

(Last Updated: August 1, 2019) 

Use this tutorial to familiarize students with strategic searching. Students will learn the purpose and uses of natural language and Boolean operators to broaden and narrow the scope of their search.

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Use this video to help students navigate the search process. Students will learn about using multiple keywords in order to narrow in on a research focus, how to understand and manipulate database search results, and common database features.

Copy link to embed in Blackboard as a Web Link:

Download Refining Search Results Quiz for Blackboard (.zip)

(Last Updated: August 6, 2019) 

Evaluating Information

Help your students learn how to evaluate information, including types of bias, fake news and other misinformation, and objectivity in reporting.

Discusses misinformation, lateral reading as a strategy for evaluating sources, and ways to include diverse points of view during research (with embedded quiz).

Download file to embed tutorial and quiz in Blackboard:

(Created August 2024)

This video introduces students to social bias, confirmation bias, and communal reinforcement. It also has examples of each bias type and shows the effects of bias on critical thinking.

Copy link to embed in Blackboard as a Web Link:

Download Types of Bias Quiz for Blackboard (.zip)

(Last Updated: August 21, 2019) 

This video encourages students to think critically about the information they encounter online. Students will become familiar with strategies for evaluating sources based on examples of these criteria: authority, accuracy, currency, relevance, and objectivity.

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This tutorial compares editorial vs. news writing in journalism. It explains the evaluation of news and opinion pieces and how to determine context before use in supporting an argument. Includes ungraded checkpoint questions. 

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This tutorial introduces students to the practice of lateral reading. Students learn how to evaluate online materials by determining the origins and motives of a source. Includes ungraded checkpoint questions.

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How do we know if we are getting accurate, verifiable information, especially when we find so much information online? We must learn how to understand and evaluate common types of misinformation to make informed decisions. This tutorial, with two short videos, will provide practical tips to students for evaluating misinformation and fake news.

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With so much information available online, it’s important for students to be able to locate reliable, high-quality information. Use this tutorial to introduce strategies for navigating the open web and evaluating web sources.

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This video stresses the importance of recognizing authoritative sources, developing critical thinking and information literacy skills, and providing proper attribution when writing research papers.

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This tutorial introduces students to the practice of differentiating between dominant theories and perspectives that are underrepresented in scholarly and everyday sources. Its goal is to encourage students to seek out multiple relevant and credible perspectives to develop a nuanced understanding of the issues that are important to them.

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This tutorial introduces students to the practice of fact-checking and the related concept of accuracy in reporting. Students will get an overview of the purpose of fact-checking as well as professional strategies to apply to their own interactions with scholarly and everyday sources of information.

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This tutorial encourages students to think critically about the information they encounter online, including tools such as AI, ChatGPT or BARD.

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Presenting and Organizing Information

Help your students learn to write an academic paper, prepare for a presentation, synthesize information, and even create an annotated bibliography.

This video focuses on strategies for writing a strong paper that brings together ideas from multiple sources, including identifying main ideas, and techniques for paraphrasing and summarizing sources.

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Download Synthesizing Information Quiz for Blackboard (.zip)

(Last Updated: August 2, 2019) 

This tutorial describes the purpose of annotated bibliographies, and the process of creating and formatting summary, evaluation, and reflective annotations. This would be helpful to your students as they work on their annotated Bibliography assignment.  The tutorial includes ungraded check-point questions.

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This video will help the beginning researcher construct their research paper, explaining the basic components of the introduction, body, and conclusion.

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This short video talks about effective communication and writing skills. It offers tips on writing clearly and in a concise manner. It guides students to how /when to use sentence variations and transitions encouraging students to check with their instructors and other academic writing resources.

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Academic writing gives you the opportunity to learn about a topic by engaging in its scholarly conversation. Watch this video to understand how the complexities and nuances of a topic can be investigated in your academic writing.

Copy link to embed in Blackboard as a Web Link:

Download Academic Writing Quiz for Blackboard (.zip)

(Last Updated: May 21, 2020) 

What and why you want to communicate influences how you communicate. Watch this video to understand how to tailor your communication for different audiences, formats, and purposes.

Copy link to embed in Blackboard as a Web Link:

Download Communication Need Quiz for Blackboard (.zip)

(Last Updated: May 21, 2020) 

Watch this tutorial to understand visual literacy learn skills to make your presentation visually appealing to your audience. Covers both in-person and online presentations. Includes ungraded checkpoint questions.

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Do your students' essays simply provide a series of “dropped quotations”? Do you see a need for them to understand how to paraphrase or summarize their research? This tutorial will help them understand that there are three basic modes of presenting evidence and ideas from other sources: in direct quotations, through paraphrasing, or by summarizing.

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Through this Credo tutorial, your students will learn that synthesizing information involves building connections between sources and incorporating their learning from reading various sources to help them write their assignment clearly.

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This tutorial with a short video clip will walk your students through time management and planning as they engage in college-level research. It guides them through different strategies to prioritize and balance academic and personal responsibilities.

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Use this tutorial to walk students through the components of oral communication: content, audience, and the elements of speech. Students will come away with strategies for getting their point across clearly and appropriately in everyday and formal settings.

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Academic Integrity and Information Ethics

Help your students learn about the uses and abuses of information and provide a framework for critical reflection on the use of information.

Introduces the concept of academic integrity and plagiarism in relation to the scholarly communication and ethics of citations (with embedded quiz).

Download file to embed tutorial and quiz in Blackboard:

(Created August 2024)

Watch this video tutorial to learn that academic integrity not only about plagiarism, but also about why we should value information and treat any information with respect and honesty. Includes short video clips.

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This tutorial is about the value of information. It explains how managing information can affect others as well as us personally. Includes ungraded checkpoint questions.

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This tutorial is about what it means to be a digital citizen. Students will start to examine their relationship with information in online spaces and understand their identity as a digital citizen. The tutorial includes ungraded checkpoint questions.

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Students will examine the characteristics of a digital citizen in greater depth and gather strategies for responsible behaviors to apply to their everyday life. They'll also see how to develop a customized code of ethics. Includes ungraded check point questions.

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As a participant in the online community, it’s important to consider the implications of sharing information online. This tutorial will help students identify where and how personal information may be vulnerable, and provide students with strategies to protect their digital privacy. Includes ungraded checkpoint questions. 

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This video provides examples and explanations of specific types of plagiarism, such as cloning, aggregation, and self-plagiarism, as well as strategies to prevent plagiarizing and a reminder of the possible consequences of academic dishonesty.

Copy link to embed in Blackboard as a Web Link: 
Download the Plagiarism Quiz for Blackboard (.zip)

(Last Updated: August 21, 2019)

This revised Credo tutorial helps students understand how to access and share information responsibly. Includes information on types of copyright and provides a foundational understanding of the concepts of copyright, intellectual property, fair use, and the public domain.  Includes ungraded checkpoint questions. 

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This student focused tutorial explains AI- related terms such as prompts, grounded vs. ungrounded, etc. It explains how it is different than a search engine and how to use it ethically. 

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Help your students learn how to cite their sources in APA, MLA, or Chicago formats.

Introduces the required elements of APA 7th edition citation style to properly format in-text and reference list citations in research assignments (with embedded quiz).

Download file to embed tutorial and quiz in Blackboard:

(Created August 2024)

Provides an overview of the MLA 9th edition citation style, an explanation of the MLA ‘s “container” concept, and an overview of using the style for Works Cited and In-Text citations for common source types (with embedded quiz).

Download file to embed tutorial and quiz in Blackboard:

(Created August 2024)

This humorous video doesn’t focus on one citation style, but rather provides students with a general overview of the importance of citations and crediting sources as a part of research. A student goes through common student attitudes and misconceptions about citations.

Copy link to embed in Blackboard as a Web Link:

Download Why Citations Matter Quiz for Blackboard (.zip)

(Last Updated: August 21, 2019) 

This video introduces students to the Chicago Manual of Style and the correct way to use it to cite books and e-books. It also explains the differences between note and bibliography citations and where to include these citations in your paper.

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This short video will explain specific guidelines for citing journal articles in both the notes
and bibliography of an assignment using the Chicago style.

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This video shows the correct way to cite websites and social media sources using the Chicago style.

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Using Critical Thinking and Logic

Help your students build critical thinking skills like inquiry-based approaches to finding information and evidence-based reasoning.

An inquiry-based approach to finding information, whether it’s for assignments or real-life decisions, gives you the tools to analyze a problem. Watch this video to learn more about how to use an inquiry-based approach to stay open-minded about finding information.

Copy link to embed in Blackboard as a Web Link:

Download Inquiry Quiz for Blackboard (.zip)

(Last Updated: May 21, 2020) 

When faced with answering a research question, there is a need to find evidence that establishes the conclusion. This may seem like a straightforward task, but there are right and wrong ways to do it. Watch and discover the various methods that are used to reason through evidence and how it fits into research.

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Visual and Quantitative Literacy

Help your students learn how to locate and use images and quantitative information, like statistics, in their assignments.

Images are often important – and even required – sources for projects and assignments. This video helps students construct image searches that generate relevant results for their needs.

Copy link to embed in Blackboard as a Web Link:

Download Search for Images Quiz for Blackboard (.zip)

(Last Updated: May 21, 2020) 

Images are easy to find! The trick is selecting appropriate images that truly support the message or example you want to illustrate. This video provides tips on selecting just the right image for your needs, with a critical eye toward the context and original intent of the image you found.

Copy link to embed in Blackboard as a Web Link:

Download Interpreting Images Quiz for Blackboard (.zip)

(Last Updated: May 22, 2020) 

This tutorial provides a deeper dive into visual literacy, illustrating use of critical thinking skills to interpret and appreciate visual images. Includes ungraded checkpoint questions.

Copy link to embed in Blackboard as a Web Link: 

Figuring out how to use quantitative data to form conclusions can be challenging. This video looks at how quantitative data is used in research and how it can be used to draw conclusions and make decisions.

Copy link to embed in Blackboard as a Web Link:

Download Quantitative Data Quiz for Blackboard (.zip)

(Last Updated: May 21, 2020) 

As statistics are widely used to support arguments and positions, it is helpful to be able to think critically about how statistics are created and used in research. This video can help you learn how to critically evaluate and use statistics.

Copy link to embed in Blackboard as a Web Link:

Download Evaluating Statistics Quiz for Blackboard (.zip)

(Last Updated: May 21, 2020) 

This tutorial introduces students to the importance of geographic literacy and its relevance to students' daily lives, academic and professional careers. It introduces them to  geographic literacy with a focus on maps, key map components, different types of maps, how maps can be used as sources of information, and how to think critically about them.

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Culture and Citizenship

Help your students learn more about cultural issues and global citizenship.

This video explains why it is important to distinguish between generalizations and stereotypes when studying culture. Having a better understanding of cultural norms helps students understand cultural behaviors or beliefs in the proper context.

Copy link to embed in Blackboard as a Web Link:

Download Introduction to Cultural Issues Quiz for Blackboard (.zip)

(Last Updated: May 21, 2020) 

Globalization is all about how people, goods, and ideas are interconnected. It is important to be aware of these processes and this short video talks about this global interconnectedness.

Copy link to embed in Blackboard as a Web Link:

Download Global Citizenship Quiz for Blackboard (.zip)

(Last Updated: May 21, 2020) 

Step 2: Share the Tutorial, Video, and/or Quiz with Your Students

Faculty have two options for sharing tutorials, videos, and/or quizzes with students: embed the content in your Blackboard course (recommended) or share the content with your students via a web link.

Embed the Tutorial, Video, and/or Quiz in Blackboard

The tutorials, videos, and their accompanying quizzes listed above come from two sources:

  • Items that begin with "MC Library" are created by MC librarians (example: MC Library Tutorial: Evaluating Information)
  • Items that begin with "Credo" are part of a package from a third-party vendor (example: Credo Video: Why Citations Matter)

How you embed the content in Blackboard depends on its source. 

Embed an MC Library Tutorial and Quiz in Blackboard:

  1. Download the embed .zip file for the item you would like to use. (Embed .zip file is located beneath the item's description in the menus above.)
  2. Open your Blackboard course and navigate to the Course Content section. Select the course module where you want to embed the MC Library tutorial and quiz.
  3. Select Build Content > Content Package (SCORM).
  4. Attach the .zip file that you downloaded in step 1 and select “Submit.”
  5. On the next screen, select “Yes” under “Make Scorm Available” and choose "Allow Unlimited Attempts" under "Number of Attempts" because the embedded tutorial is designed for this option. Update all other settings as desired.
  6. Click "Submit."

For more help, watch our video on embedding MC Library tutorials and quizzes in Blackboardnew window.

Embed a Credo Tutorial or Video in Blackboard:

  1. Open your Blackboard course and navigate to the Course Content section. Select the course module where you want to embed the Credo tutorial or video.
  2. Select Build Content > Web Link.
  3. Give a name to the link.
  4. Paste the Credo tutorial or video's embed URL into the URL field. Make sure to paste the embed URL, not the preview URL, into your Blackboard course.
  5. Check the box to indicate that "This link is to a Tool Provider."
  6. Leave the default selection (“No”) when asked about enabling evaluation. Credo Instruct tutorials that have practice questions are not graded.
  7. Click "Submit."

Embed a Credo Quiz in Blackboard:

Some Credo tutorials and videos have separate quizzes available. These quizzes can be embedded in Blackboard and integrated into the course gradebook.

  1. Click the button to download the quiz as a .zip file.
  2. Follow the instructions of the Exporting & Importing a Test into a Blackboard Course packet (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader.-Link opens in new window.) to import the quiz file.
  3. After you have imported the quiz file, you will be able to add the quiz to your course content. Go to the appropriate module, select Assessments > Test and select the quiz from the list of available tests.


Share the Tutorial, video, and/or quiz via a web link

To share the content with your students via a web link, simply provide them with the Preview link. Please note:

  • If you selected an item that beings with "Credo," your students will not be able to take the corresponding quiz via the web link (i.e., outside of Blackboard). Credo quizzes can only be used in Blackboard.
  • If you selected an item that begins with "MC Library," your students can still complete the corresponding quiz via the web link (outside of Blackboard). If they pass the quiz with a score greater than 70%, they will receive a certificate of completion that they can share with you via email or a Blackboard submission.