Library-Blackboard Ultra Integration
During the 2024-2025 academic year, MC faculty have the option of using Blackboard Ultra for their Blackboard courses. Beginning with the fall 2025 semester, all Blackboard courses at MC will use the Blackboard Ultra environment. ELITE is leading this transition. For more information about Blackboard Ultra, please visit ELITE's Blackboard Learn Ultra Transition Hub.
In Blackboard Ultra, the library tools are no longer embedded directly in the course menu. Instead, you must add them to your course content area, or you and your students can access them from the Books & Tools menu. Learn more about using each library tool in Blackboard Ultra below.
Library Course Reserves
Our course reserves service connects your students to course-related materials held by the library. When your students click the Library Course Reserves link, they will see any materials on reserve for the class. Faculty members can use the same link to request that course-related items (e.g., textbooks, books, journal articles, videos, book chapters, and more) be placed on reserve for your students.
- Enter the Blackboard Ultra course.
- Open the Books & Tools menu, located in the Details & Actions menu on the right side
of your course.
- Scroll down to the Library Course Reserves tool and click the tool name. The tool
will open in a new window.
- Enter the Blackboard Ultra course.
- Open the Books & Tools menu, located in the Details & Actions menu on the right side
of your course.
- Scroll down to the Library Course Reserves tool and click the plus icon to the left
of the tool name. This will add the tool to your course content area.
- Click the tool as it appears in your course content area and drag it to your desired position.
- This tool will be hidden from students by default. Click the arrow next to the "Hidden
from students" message that appears beneath the tool in your course content area and
change it to "Visible to students."
Library Research Help
Library course and subject research guides are online guides built by MC librarians to help your students find and use library resources for a specific class or on a specific academic subject. Clicking the Library Research Help link in your Blackboard course will take you and your students to the most relevant research guide the library has for your class.
- Enter the Blackboard Ultra course.
- Open the Books & Tools menu, located in the Details & Actions menu on the right side
of your course.
- Scroll down to the Library Research Guides (Automatic) tool and click the plus icon
to the left of the tool name. This will add the tool to your course content area.
- Click the tool as it appears in your course content area and drag it to your desired position.
- This tool will be hidden from students by default. Click the arrow next to the "Hidden
from students" message that appears beneath the tool in your course content area and
change it to "Visible to students."
Library Instructional Content
MC Library's instructional content allows you to embed tutorials and videos on information literacy topics directly into your Blackboard course. For tutorials or videos with accompanying quizzes, those quizzes can also be embedded in Blackboard for automated grading.
1. Visit the Library Tutorials, Videos, and Quizzes page and locate the MC Library tutorial and quiz you'd like to embed in your Blackboard
Ultra course. Download the .zip file that accompanies the item you'd like to use.
2. Open your Blackboard Ultra course and navigate to the Course Content section.
3. Click the plus icon where you want to embed the MC Library tutorial and quiz and
then select "Create."
4. Select "SCORM package."
5. Select "Upload SCORM package." Upload the .zip file you downloaded in step 1.
6. Select "Unlimited" under in the Attempts Allowed menu (under Grading & Submissions)
because the embedded tutorial is designed for this option. Update all other settings
as you prefer.
7. Click "Save."
8. The item will be hidden from students by default. Click the arrow next to the "Hidden
from students" message that appears beneath the item in your course content area and
change it to "Visible to students."
For more help, watch our video on embedding MC Library tutorials and quizzes in Blackboard Ultranew window.
1. Visit the Library Tutorials, Videos, and Quizzes page and locate the Credo tutorial or video you'd like to embed in your Blackboard Ultra
2. Copy the "link to embed in Blackboard as a web link" for the item you'd like to
3. Open your Blackboard Ultra course and navigate to the Course Content section.
4. Click the plus icon where you want to embed the Credo content and then select "Create."
5. Select "Teaching tools with LTI connection."
6. Update the item title.
7. Change the visibility setting to "Visible to students." (It will be hidden from
students by default.)
8. Paste the link you copied in step 2 in the Configuration URL field.
9. Update all the settings as you prefer.
10. Click "Save."
For more help, watch our video on embedding Credo tutorial and video links in Blackboard Ultranew window.
1. If the Credo item you're embedding has an accompanying quiz you'd like to embed
in Blackboard Ultra, download the quiz .zip file from the Library Tutorials, Videos, and Quizzes page.
2. Open your Blackboard Ultra course and navigate to Course Content.
3. Click on the three dots above the Course Content area, then select Import Content
and then Import Course Content.
4. Select the .zip file you downloaded in step 1.
5. Once the quiz is imported, it will appear in a hidden folder in your course content
area called Undeployed Tests. Click and drag the quiz to move it to the location of
your choosing within the course content area.
6. Click on the Credo quiz to adjust the settings, including due date, points, attempts,
and more.
7. The item will be hidden from students by default. Click the arrow next to the "Hidden
from students" message that appears beneath the item in your course content area and
change it to "Visible to students."
For more help, watch our video on embedding Credo quizzes in Blackboard Ultranew window.