Rockville Library Map
The first floor contains:
- Stairs and elevator to the 2nd floor, located across the room from the main entrance
- Emergency exits, located on the right side of the room near the Collaborative Workstation and along the back wall next to group study room 112D
- Service desk to the left of the main entrance
- Reference desk, around the corner from the service desk
- Office 108, lounge 109, and office 111 located behind the service desk
- Office 111A and 111B located near the reference desk
- Group study rooms 112C and 112D and offices 114 and 114A located across from office 111B, near the emergency exit
- Office 115 located to the right of the main entrance
- Restrooms behind the stairs, adjacent to the current periodicals
Resources available on the first floor:
- Course reserves, printer, and instructional video collection at the service desk
- Computer workstations across from the reference desk and in front of group study rooms 112 C and D
- Collaborative workstation to the right of the main entrance near the emergency exit
- Cubicles on either side of the collaborative workstation
- Page Turners and new books
- Reference collection
- Current periodicals and periodicals
- Disability access technology in front of stair 3, between group study room 112D and office 114.
- Media stations adjacent to the reference desk
- A drinking water station next to the media stations
The second floor contains:
- Stairs and elevator to the 1st and 3rd floors, located in the center of the room
- Restrooms behind the stairs and elevator
- Emergency exits near the circulating video collection and on the wall to the right as you exit the stairs or elevator
- Offices 202C, 202D, 202E, and 226, located across and to the right of the elevator
- Room MT 206 and Library Instruction Lab MT 205, located to the left of the stairs
- Study spaces throughout the floor
Resources available on the second floor:
- Circulating video collection
- Music CDs
- Folio collection
- A drinking water station outside the men's restroom.
The third floor contains:
- Stairs and elevator to the 2nd floor, located in the center of the room
- Restrooms behind the stairs and elevator
- Emergency exits on the right-side of the wall behind the stairs and elevator, on the wall to the right and back as you exit the stairs or elevator, and in the MT 303 suite, across from the stairs and elevator
- MT 303 suite located across from the stairs and elevator, containing the director's office, resources and collections division, and special collections
- Office 306A and storage 306B, located to the right as you exit the stairs or elevator
- One button studio 305C, located near the emergency exit on the wall to the right and back as you exit the stairs or elevator
- Group study rooms 305D and 305E, located near the emergency exit on the wall to the right and back as you exit the stairs or elevator
- Study space throughout the floor
Resources available on the third floor:
- Circulating collection throughout the floor
- Children's Literature Collection
- Drinking water stations outside both restrooms and adjacent to the MT 303 suite.