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Strategic Planning Process

AY2025 - 27
Library master plan process timeline infographic
  • March - June 2023:
    • Defined the project scope, objectives, timeline, and deliverables.
    • Hosted several preliminary planning sessions with library staff.
  • July - December 2023:
    • Developed an advisory group charge and convened an advisory group comprised of library staff, faculty, and student volunteeres.
    • Explored and developed master plan themes.
  • January - May 2024:
    • The planning advisory group solicited input and received feedback from faculty and student group members.
    • Developed an interanl online guide for library staff to track and engage in the process.
  • June to August 2024:
    • Library leadership developed the master plan objectives.
    • The advisory group reviewed the final plan draft.
    • The draft was presented to area leadership and the library staff.

Library Master Plan Advisory Group

Library Leadership Team and Staff
  • Suzette Spencer, director of library and information services
  • Kari Schmidt, resources and collections associate director
  • Jennifer Hatleberg, librarian supervisor, arts and humanities
  • Mojisola Ahonsi, campus access services supervisor
  • Julie Loy, librarian, health sciences, communications, and special programs
  • Josephine Trawick, administrative coordinator
Key Advisory Group Members
  • Page Whittenburg, chair, ELAP, linguistics, and communication studies
  • Jenny Hodges, part-time faculty, communication studies
  • Nima Sichani, MC student, computer science major, dual enrollment program
  • Ian Johnson, MC student, president, African American Student Union