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Library Master Plan Themes

AY2025 - 27

Theme One: Educating Ourselves and Educating Others

Academic libraries play a critical role in educating others by facilitating access to information and services in support of curriculum and programs, fostering an environment conducive to learning, and collaborating with partners to engage in knowledge sharing and promoting scholarship. Relatedly, we are devoted to organizational effectiveness through practicing ethical and servant leadership and promoting a culture of self-reflection and professional growth.

1.1 Increase internal knowledge sharing through trainings and promote external opportunities related to the library profession

1.2 Implement programming and outreach efforts, leveraging ELITE, the library’s ELITE Workshop Planning Group, and academic support partnerships

1.3 Cultivate an internal work culture that demonstrates our shared values and informs service and organizational excellence

Theme Two: Information Literacy Program Expansion and Instructional Assessment

Information literacy and instructional assessment are pivotal in empowering students from underserved populations, serving as the foundation for equitable education. Information literacy equips students with the skills, values, and ability to thrive in and contribute to our global community. Implementation of programming and outreach efforts will expand the program’s reach across the college. Instructional assessment provides a structured approach to measure and enhance student learning, ensuring that educational interventions are responsive to their unique needs. Assessment efforts and seeking input from students to improve methods to support all learners will enable greater impact and awareness.

2.1 Develop an Information Literacy Week of programming and events to engage the MC College community

2.2 Expand relationship building opportunities with faculty

2.3 Examine methods to enhance Information Literacy learning experiences for underserved students to succeed in college

2.4 Prepare the Research and Teaching librarians to teach essential AI information literacy skills to students

Theme Three: Welcoming and Belonging

Welcoming and belonging are the cornerstones of a thriving, diverse college community. In library spaces, these principles transform buildings into sanctuaries of knowledge and growth, where everyone feels valued and respected. Inclusive collections that reflect a multitude of voices and experiences not only enrich the academic landscape but also foster empathy, understanding, and a sense of shared humanity. By embracing diversity and cultivating an environment of inclusivity, we empower every member of our community to explore, learn, and contribute to the collective wisdom, ensuring that no one is left behind and everyone has the opportunity to flourish.

3.1 Explore creative ways to expand usage through partnerships and evolve library spaces that address shifts in scholarship and learning

3.2 Launch and develop a comprehensive user needs assessment

3.3 Establish stronger ties to student groups through peer-to-peer partnerships

3.4 Analyze descriptive terminology of library services and collections to strengthen inclusive practices

Theme Four: Innovative Technology Practices and Partnerships

Through innovative technology practices, the MC Library will extend our reach beyond physical walls, providing seamless access to resources and support across multiple devices and platforms. This digital expansion not only enhances the user experience but also fosters new forms of engagement,  collaboration, and knowledge creation. Partnerships with internal technology providers and academic stakeholders further amplify these efforts, allowing us to leverage shared expertise and resources to develop cutting-edge services and spaces.

4.1 Partner with the Office of Information Technology on long-term technology planning, college wide and within the library

4.2 Explore technological enhancements and integrations that impact library services and resources

4.3 Strengthen staff technical skills to enhance user support